Monday, October 13, 2008

beach, northern ecuador

my host dad and i made a friend while walking on the beach

never seen a tree like this

these crabs are everywhere! i stepped on one and killed it :(..but not this one

Going to the beach was awesome. It was the second time in my life I have had the opportunity to swim in an ocean. At first I forgot the whole it being salt water thing. That was a pleasant surprise.
Most of this trip was spent hanging out on the beach, swimming, playing cards, and drinking beer with my host fam. Pretty relaxed.
The northern coast is mostly afro ecuatoriano. This is because a slave ship crashed there at some point. Interesting story. Interesting place. i really liked the people and the atmosphere. Very friendly and relaxed. Pretty much like any coastal population I think. People that live by beaches just seem to be more chilled out. Hahaha

here are some more pics from the beach

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