despite this i am still having awesome weekend trips. i will try to sum up trips the best i can.
the weekend of the 27 i went to mindo, which is about 2 hours from quito. It is kinda a smaller version of banos. much smaller. the bus ride there was hell. the driver sped around mountain curves the whole time. i don't think the road ever got straight. by the time we got there i was about two seconds from hurling and was really shaky until we sat and drank a pitcher of lemonade from the nearest cafe.
we were greeted by a man that wanted us to go to his hostel. on the way to his we were intercepted by a woman who wanted us to go to hers instead. we checked out the dudes hostel. it was a little sketch. no locks on the doors were the main turn off. so we walked the 5 min outside town to the womans hostel, which was beautiful. $7 dollars a night with breakfast. kinda a summer camp set up with bunk beds on the top floor, but with a room with a lock included.
we decided to take it. there we 5 of us that came on he bus and we were expecting 3 more to be coming via hitch hiking. so there were plenty of beds and we got a deck with hammocks and beautiful few of the selva.
we soon learned that not 3 more but 8 more had decided to hitch hike to mindo. the owner of the hostel (Claudia) had no issues with 8 more people coming to stay at her hostel.
the hostel was so awesome. there were so many cool people there. this dude had been staying for a month from France, but he lived in Spain, and was now in Ecuador to start a coffee plantation. there were also people from Spain, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand.
on top of this there were a pack of the cutest dogs ever that we could actually play with, and a little kitty the dude from France found in the forest, and a duck pond.
at night the owner got us some cheap beers, even thought it was a dry weekend cause of the vote, and we sat around with some of these international peps and talked until 2 or 3 and ended the night in giant massage circle.
during the day the first five us went zip lining though the canopy at an awesome place that would let you go upside down. after that we went tubing down a river. there were too many rocks to go fast, but it was a nice relaxing tour down a river nonetheless.
The next day Trent, Sally, and i went on a walk through the rain forest with the new Zealand couple. the walk was four hours and passed by 8 waterfalls. before we left Claudia told us it was like and Indiana Jones hike. soon enough i understood her reasoning. we walked over those iffy wood plank type bridges and used ropes to balance by ledges on steep trails, and even did a little rock climbing over tiny waterfalls to get to the bigger ones.
the walk was exhausting, but well worth with. the waterfalls and rain forest were gorgeous.
it sounds like you are having an awesome time (at least when its not school stuff) and going on a lot of adventures. i have to admit, im a bit jealous! hahaha ;)
i love the blog entries, keep posting so i can semi-vicariously live through you.
i have had some good times. its nice not having an oppresive group like afs over me shoulder. but there are times like now, where i have to write three papers in one week and i just dont care enough. ha...
i will have to wait on uploading pics for awhile. the was a mishap with my flash drive. but i will still write shit when i can and/or to aovid homework. i am glad to know someone reads this :)
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